The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of technology in education, but many in-person continuous professional development (CPD) programmes had to shift overnight to online delivery. Blend ON! is intended to help CPD providers find the right blend of in-person and remote CPD, ensuring participants are motivated and engaged in a cost-effective, scalable, and sustainable way.

It provides a practical, step-by-step framework to analyse the context, design and develop a blended CPD trajectory, implement it, and evaluate its success. With practical exercises, helpful tools, and real-life cases studies, the guide highlights important themes such as gender, diversity, inclusion, motivation and engagement.

Developed through a co-creation process with eight organisations — led by VVOB – education for development in partnership with The Aga Khan Foundation, BRAC IED, Plan International, Pratham, Right to Play, StiR Education, VSO   — this guide is based on a review of existing guides, case studies, and professional learning community sessions where best practices have been developed and shared.

In addition to the full, printable guide, you can also find all the information on this website. Here, you can easily access summarised versions of each phase, download practical tools, and review inspiring case studies. Whether you prefer a hands-on approach or just want to explore the possibilities, our website has everything you need to get started.

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Discover the full potential of a blended CPD!

Explore the four phases of a blended CPD trajectory

Discover a blended CPD journey in practice