In Practice

How VVOB in Vietnam organised a dry run to improve the CPD trajectory

In Vietnam, VVOB works in close partnership with the Ministry of Education on strengthening blended learning approaches with teachers and school leaders. Through a blended CPD trajectory that embeds play-based learning approaches, school leaders and teachers are trained to provide responsive and engaging learning experiences to their learners. 

The blended CPD trajectory starts with a Digital Literacy course to ensure that all participants have the required digital knowledge, skills, and tools. This Digital Literacy course was in-person, tailormade for this trajectory and addresses both general digital literacy as well as programme-specific content with a focus on Moodle, as this is the main course platform. The course takes 1.5 days to complete. 

As this was a newly developed course, VVOB decided to organise both a dry run and a pilot. The dry run consisted of a run of the complete course, with all the course facilitators present to go through the course with a group of learners composed of VVOB staff and focal points of the Ministry of Education and Training. At the end of the course, all participants of the dry run shared their feedback on the content of the course, the design of the activities and the facilitation methods. 

After this dry run, there were still a few uncertainties about the practical organisation of the course with many learners in one room (70-100 people), all needing access to Wi-Fi and personal support. Therefore, a pilot of two cohorts was conducted with the target group of teachers in one of the target provinces. This pilot allowed VVOB to analyse organisational challenges and find ways to solve these challenges. Both VVOB staff and the course participants shared their feedback after the pilot. The focus of the pilot was more on the organisation of the course, but feedback on content, facilitation, methods and learning outcomes was also collected. 

Both the dry run and the pilot contributed to a stronger course. Nevertheless, VVOB opted to take an iterative approach throughout the whole course cycle and kept organising feedback moments with the facilitators after every cohort to finetune the course.  

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