In Practice

Identifying blended CPD delivery improvement actions by piloting a play-based teaching project | by BRAC IED

BRAC Institute of Educational Development (BRAC IED) has implemented the “Champion Teachers” initiative that empowers teachers by enhancing their knowledge and skills in play pedagogy. 

The Champion Teachers initiative used a blended design. A fully in-person modality would have been too expensive and would not have been feasible, as some schools are located in remote regions. 

The training is centred around four broad areas: play and play pedagogy; well-being and teacher-student relationship; utilisation of available space and materials to apply play pedagogy in school compounds; and play-based lesson plan. Teachers are equipped with the required skills and knowledge to integrate play-based pedagogy in lessons and facilitate active participation by students. 

25 teachers were selected for the piloting of the intervention. A 5-day virtual training session was designed for the teachers to ensure the effectiveness and successful implementation of the intervention. Following this training, supportive meetings were conducted face-to-face and online. After the completion of the training, teachers went on to apply play-based pedagogy in the classrooms for approximately 2 months as a piloting phase. 

The initial synchronous online sessions indicated that some teachers were not actively participating and needed more guidance. The wide use of smartphones played a crucial role to overcome this problem. Teachers were given SIM cards of carriers with strong network coverage and internet packages to avoid disruptions during the sessions. Field managers with content team members have been assigned to ensure proper communication, accessibility and guidance is in place to encourage participation and monitor implementation. 

Based on the outcome of this piloting, the design will be modified as needed. In 2023, a larger group of teachers will participate in blended CPD to increase their skills to incorporate play-based pedagogy in classrooms.

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